Friday, March 29, 2019

Assignment 22: Elevator Pitch 3


2. The small changes in my Pitch that I made for the last assignments worked out pretty well. They did mention that I should include some sort of potential testing for my product just so that the person I'm pitching to knows that everything is in progress. I agree with that but at the same time, I'm not testing anything for this product so I won't be mentioning that in my pitch today.

3. I made sure everything positive from my last two pitches were included into this one, but this time I mentioned that I had networked with certain individuals that are currently in the tire business to gain some more perspective on my market and production of my product.


  1. Corrine, I think you did a good job on this elevator pitch. I specifically liked how you included that you talked to professionals in the field. By adding this it made you sound more credible, which is always a good thing. You seem to be very knowledgeable on this topic and that showed through your presentation. Overall, you did a great job.

  2. Hey Corrine,
    Your pitch was well done and I also enjoyed how you included the different individuals you networked with in order to make this whole thing happen. It's also nice that you refined your other information, not including every single thing from the past elevator pitches.

  3. Hey Corrine, great job on this elevator pitch. I think that the added part of talking to individuals and networking was a great addition to your pitch. I think that this adds an extra layer to your pitch, and helps to make it more believable and convincing. I think that your pitch was very organized and convincing, overall, great pitch!
