Friday, March 1, 2019

Assignment 16: What's Your Secret Sauce?

1. One: I don't spend money on things unless I need it or I really want it. If I feel even a little like I could do without it I won't buy it
    Two: I will ask for help from others if I truly don't get something but I would rather figure it out myself.
    Three: I think better when I first wake up in the morning than any other time of the day.
    Four: I want to help people and animals in any way that I can, I will stop whatever I'm doing to help someone else if they look like they need it.
    Five: I like to work in teams but sometimes I'd rather do everything on my own
2. The first person I interviewed was my mom. I was really happy with what she said but a little surprised when she said naive. The second person I interviewed was my little sister, Lizzie. With this interview I knew what she would say because she tells me these things on a daily basis but it was still nice to hear. The third person I interviewed was my little sister, Gaby. I also pretty much knew what I was going to hear from this one as well. The fourth person I interviewed was my friend, Ed. I didn't know what he was going to say here so it was really nice to hear what he had to say. The fifth person I interviewed was my dad. I was a little nervous about this one because my dad says what he thinks and he can be very critical so I was a bit relieved that he had all positive things to say about me.
Interview 1 Interview 2 Interview 3 Interview 4 Interview 5
3. Overall, I feel like I assessed myself in different ways than others notice or came up with. I don't necessarily consider myself to be nice, outgoing or intelligent. I do think that I have pieces of those things but they're not something I acknowledge about myself. I feel like these differences are caused by the fact that someone else's viewpoint on you is always going to be different than your viewpoint on yourself as people tend to be more critical with themselves than with others and that others can just name off qualities you have that you, yourself don't acknowledge or notice. I would hope that my interviewees are correct about me, I just don't think I can make that judgement about myself. Maybe I am all of those qualities, maybe I'm not, that won't change how I view myself or move forward, unless the qualities were bad in which I would attempt to address those issues. I wouldn't make any corrections to my list, above, because these interviews don't change how I see myself as a person.

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