Friday, March 15, 2019

Assignment 17: Elevator Pitch 2

2. The feedback I got from my first pitch was very encouraging and positive. I got a question about what type of material I would use for my product instead of rubber and, to be honest, I have no idea. I would have to do more research on that to find the perfect material that holds up as a functional tire and is biodegradable.
3. I kept the majority of my pitch the same, I slowed down the rate of my speech a bit, but other than that, the information that was in the first pitch was included in the second as well. I would have added the material, but I am still researching this aspect at this time and I did not want to include information that I wasn't completely positive on.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Corrine,
    Slowing down your speech helped a lot in understanding what you were trying to pitch. I also liked that even though you slowed down, you still included the same information in both your first and second elevator pitches. It's good that you don't want to include information that you're not 100% sure on, but you should mention something about figuring out or testing so that whoever you're pitching the idea to knows that you're still working on it.
