Friday, March 15, 2019

Assignment 18: Create a Customer Avatar

My customer would be someone that is middle aged, educated beyond high school and is in the middle class. I'm not saying that this would be my only customer base, but it would be the majority of the people who would potentially buy my product. They probably drive a smaller car that is good on gas, or even a hybrid or electric car, they probably have young children and some of them are possibly adopted. Their favorite politicians are ones that are not extremists and who care about climate change. They're in their twenties or thirties and probably feel their age. I am in my twenties, I care a lot about climate change, I have some college and my family is middle classed. I drive a honda civic (that I'm told is good on gas), but I don't have children and don't plan on having any. I think my similarities with my customer avatar are a coincidence since the major thing about this product is helping decrease the amount of pollutants in the environment and a person has to care somewhat about the earth to look into buying it.
Related image Image result for care about environment

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