Friday, April 5, 2019

Assignment 23: Your Venture's Unfair Advantage

1. Networking with a head mechanic at Tire Kingdom. This is a valuable resource because it is important for a new venture to have an idea of how their product will be used and tested to be able to gauge the full value of the product and how to market it to others. I don't think this type of network is rare but it is definitely beneficial and I don't think anything would really be able to substitute this resource unless the entrepreneur themselves have this type of information available to them already.
2. Network with an owner of a franchise branch of the type of business my venture is based in. This is a valuable resource because they own the type of business I am looking into making a product for so this person would know all of the regulations that comes along with the venture itself. I don't think this type of resource is rare but it is highly important to know all of the regulations and such when it comes to a business venture just so you can avoid being fined or shut down before you even start. You could just do this research yourself but why not learn from someone who knows it by heart so you can also find some loopholes that go with it. This resource can't really be substituted unless the entrepreneur already has a background in this area.
3. Network with a manager who sells and markets these types of products everyday. This is a valuable resource because this person knows what sells and what doesn't and also knows the price range for this product across the board. If you want to keep your prices competitive in the market, having this type of resource would be a good idea. This resource is not technically unique but it makes the entrepreneur's life easier to have. The entrepreneur could substitute this with prior knowledge or the internet.
4. A new idea that is attractive to many people with an interest in saving the planet. This is an important thing to have because your venture needs to be attractive to some type of market to be able to sell or be successful in any way. This resource is not unique because almost every new business venture has a market to sell to. This resource can't really be substituted because it is your target market.
5. An entrepreneur of a mother who could help me with business set up. This is an important resource because to even start a venture you need a business plan and a set up and my mom has set up multiple types of businesses in her life so she has a pretty good idea on how that works. This resource is unique because not everyone has something like that but it could be substituted with other types of advisers.
6. Drive to make this venture a reality. This is a valuable resource because if you don't have any motivation to make this venture happen, then it will never happen. This resource isn't technically unique since most entrepreneurs have this drive but you cannot substitute this resource with anything else.
7. Vested interest in my venture. This is a valuable resource because it is the basis of your entire venture. If you're not really interested in the problem you're solving then your business will resemble that. This resource is not unique but it cannot be substituted with anything else.
8. A network of people who would potentially invest in this venture. This resource is valuable because you need to have some type of money to start up any business. This isn't a unique resource and it can be substituted with the entrepreneur's ability to pay for the start up costs on their own.
9. An idea for who could produce my product at a reasonable cost. This resource is valuable because if you have no one to produce your product, then you have nothing to sell. This type of resource isn't unique but it cannot be substituted.
10. A network of people in advertisement. This is a valuable resource because people need to know your venture exists if you're going to get any type of business. This resource isn't unique and it could possibly be substituted with the entrepreneur's own efforts to advertise their venture, alone.
I believe my top resource is the network of people that would potentially be interested in investing in my venture because it is one of the most important aspects of business and this venture would not be a possibility without outside funding since I'm a broke college student with an idea.

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