Who: My market for this product is anyone who owns a car, or anything with rubber wheels on it. When I interviewed people, those in better financial situations said that they would definitely replace their rubber tires with more eco-friendly ones if the latter were proven to be safe and just as long-lasting as the others. Those who were not so financially well-off said that they would replace their rubber tires with the eco-friendly ones slowly, as the need to get new ones arose, but the price needed to be around the same range as the rubber tires were, for them to even consider investing in them. The older individuals were a bit more skeptic about the idea of a more eco-friendly tire than the younger individuals were, just because of the reliability of the new tires overall. No one said that they would not even consider buying them, the only real issues were reliability and cost effectiveness.
What: Overall, people who just need tires and aren't too worried about what kind they are, just how much they cost, will buy the cheapest ones for their car. So, the product would have to be marketed well and be as cost effective as possible.
Why: The need isn't different, people want to help the environment but there are just things that aren't possible for some people that are for others. People may want to invest in these tires but the rubber ones are cheaper and they'd rather feed their kids and keep their house rather than spend some extra money on eco-friendly tires. It just depends on where they are financially and how much these new tires would cost compared to the rubber ones.
Inside the Boundary Outside the Boundary
Who People who want to help their environment People who don't see pollution as an issue
What Being as eco-friendly as possible to reduce overall To completely eliminate pollution
Why Life on earth is threatened by pollution More cost effective
Easier to produce
Corrine, your idea about the eco friendly tires seems like something people are really interested in. Everyone was definitely interested in the tires, but the cost of the tires will definitely be the greatest issue. Once you get the cost of these tires down you should have no trouble selling them to people other than older generations who are unsure about the idea.