Friday, February 22, 2019

Assignment 14: Halfway Reflection

1. Tenaciousness is a competency. For this class so far, I have had to be creative in coming up with ideas for businesses, I have had to use forward thinking and try to be more open-minded in order to fully find and address the needs of myself and others. This class has required me to think more like an entrepreneur.
2. Tenaciousness is also about attitude. A lot of the assignments for this course were a bit confusing and time consuming and I felt like just giving up and taking the zero on most of them since I have a ton of work in my other classes as well. What made me pull through is the fact that this class is more of an easy A than my others and my GPA needs any boost it can get at this point. I don't know if I would call it a tenacious attitude, but I definitely had some sort of attitude change to get through these assignments. Mostly my own anxiety contributed to this change in attitude.
3. Three tips. I think I would tell a next-semester-student to just do the assignments, don't just take the zero, most of them don't actually take up too much time they just look like they do. Also, if you really do want to be an entrepreneur, this is a great class to pick up on some tips for starting your own business so definitely pay attention to everything and apply these concepts to your business idea. You have to be very persistent and tenacious to be an entrepreneur because you're going to have a lot of set backs and you can't just give up at the first one, you have to keep pushing until you get where you want to be.
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  1. Corrine, I agree and think that incoming students should do the assignments. Some of them may be time consuming, but I think you learn a lot from them and it is worth it in the long run. Having a tenacious attitude is also very important. If you work hard and do the assignments that are due it will pay off and that is one of the things I really like about this class.

  2. Corrine, I liked your tips as well as your candor. It would be easy to skip an assignment or two in this class and still pass, but you are right that this class is an easy A if you want it to be and I am sure we can all use a GPA boost from this sort of course.
