Friday, February 1, 2019

Assignment 8: Solving the Problem

My potential solution has to do with the growing problem of pollution in our communities. There are current programs targeted at this issue; like beach cleanups and programs in schools. For example, tires are mass produced and thrown into landfills when they can no longer be used. The materials in tires take millions of years to decompose so they just sit in landfills, which is an issue because this prevents other things on top of them from fully decomposing and also prevents the growth of new ecosystems. My product would target this issue by creating tires from different, more eco-friendly materials so that when they do, eventually get thrown into those landfills, they break down relatively quickly in comparison with the rubber tires we currently use. I would market this as a more environmental friendly option that, after numerous tests, is just as safe and hardy as normal, rubber tires.

1 comment:

  1. I think this is an awesome solution! It would be worthwhile to do some research or talk to a materials science engineer here at UF about materials that might be an adequate replacement. Another idea might be to find something that you can do with these tires that have already been used and serve no purpose. Could they become new tires? Could they be use to make walls for houses?
