Friday, January 25, 2019

Assignment 6: Identifying Opportunities in Economic and Regulatory Trends

1. Regulatory. "5 Big Regulatory Changes That Could Affect Your Business" I found this source by putting "new regulatory changes" into the search engine, looked through the results and thought this article was a good fit for this assignment. This opportunity exists because these changes could seriously impact someone's business, large or small. This will impact entrepreneurs, employees and customers of those businesses. It would be relatively easy for the government to exploit because they are the ones that will collect if these companies do not comply with the regulations. I thought this would be an opportunity because this can change the way that businesses are allowed to run and sell their product/service.

2. Regulatory. "Medication of Hazardous Waste? EPA Creates Significant New Requirements for Managing Unused Pharmaceuticals" I found this article when I searched "regulatory changes" and I thought this article fit the requirements for this assignment. This opportunity exists because these regulation changes will impact the pharmaceutical and healthcare industries if they do not completely comply with the new rule. This will impact healthcare providers, pharmacists and anyone else in the healthcare system that handles prescription medication. It would be relatively easy to exploit if these industries do not comply with the disposal rule. I thought this would be an opportunity because this can change the way the healthcare and pharmaceutical industries run.

3. Economic. "6 Key Economic Trends for 2018" I found this article when I searched "new economic trends" and thought this would be a good fit for this assignment. This opportunity exists because these economic trends could prove to be very beneficial for a new company startup or for other pre-existing businesses to review and make amends to their own business in order to make more money in the future. This impacts the entrepreneur, investors, customers, employees and any other business owner out there. It would be easy to exploit because if you use these to predict future economic trends, you could make a lot of money off of it. I thought this would be an opportunity because this can give businesses insight into today's market to make a potential profit.

4. Economic. "5 Economic Trends Every Business Owner Should Watch in 2018" I found this article when I searched "economic trends" and thought this would be good for this assignment. This opportunity exists because these economic trends are what business owners were looking out for in the past year and could prove beneficial for predicting future trends. This impacts entrepreneurs, employees and consumers. It would be easy to exploit since businesses could use these trends to make assumptions about future and present trends to turn a profit. I thought this would be an opportunity because it can help businesses succeed in the present and future.


  1. Corrine, Your post on "5 Economic Trends Every Business Owner Should Watch in 2018" seems very insightful. As you stated it involves many people and is something that is very useful. Also, your post on hazardous waste was relevant and something society should be aware of. If these regulations are not followed then it can be a danger to many people.

  2. Hey Corrine, I liked your regulatory point about hazardous waste. It spoke about some real issues that people could potentially capitalize off of. Overall, your other three points were very broad, and did not get into detail about what the trends were. You just stated that there were trends, and that people could benefit off of these trends. Overall, pretty good post, just missing some details.
