Friday, January 25, 2019

Assignment 5: Identifying Local Opportunities


"Landowner's plight shows that Martin needs shelter"
 Property value of a piece of land, owned by Billy Harper, is in the toilet because of a squalor village that is right behind it. He can't get the squatters to leave because there are so many and the Martin County police force is short staffed. There are few shelters open to women and children and no shelters open to men in all of Martin County so they don't have anywhere else to go even if he got them to leave. They're calling for a homeless shelter but officials are worried that they do not have the budget to open one. This problem effects property owners, taxpayers, officers and homeless people.


"Local officials ask state to fund water projects"

The water quality on the Treasure Coast needs improvement since there have been blue algae blooms in the water system. Officials are asking for more state funding to clear up this issue, St. Lucie, Fort Pierce, Martin and Indian River counties are asking for millions of dollars in order to solve this. This problem effects everyone on the Treasure Coast and, if they're approved for this money, will definitely have an impact on taxpayers.


"Veterans like me face war in Iraq, suicide at home"

Our veteran mental healthcare system is seriously lacking. Soldiers come home from war with trauma that goes untreated and are unable to cope with civilian life so they resort to suicide. The VA hospitals are understaffed and will rush through procedure since there are so many patients and just not enough people to help. The author makes suggestions on how to help the current mental health system. This issue effects veterans and their families.


"Pardons underscore need for reform"

Recently there have been a few pardons for those wrongly imprisoned by the Justice System but there is much more work to be done, as the amount of racial disparities in the Florida legal system are insurmountable. The author calls for the state to continue addressing the racial disparity in the criminal justice system as it will set free those whom were wrongly imprisoned and even cut costs for taxpayers by reducing the population in our prisons. This effects those wrongly accused, taxpayers, and those in the future from being wrongly accused.


"Farm asked how it'll keep nearby canals free of filth"

Sunbreak Farms had been dumping partially treated waste into the Indian River Lagoon and the South Florida Water Management District is asking what their plan is to dispose of the waste properly, instead of dumping it into the Lagoon. Sunbreak decided that they want to make a compost mix with the waste and use that to fertilize their crops. The issue with this is that it's sewage that they're trying to mix with some compost material to fertilize crops that they're eventually going to sell to the public. They get around the prohibition of Class B biosolids by mixing it enough to make it into a Class AA biosolid, which is not regulated, and continue to grow and sell their crops. This problem effects consumers of Sunbreak Farms' products.


  1. Good work on covering a broad range of topics. I was impressed yet saddened by one of them in particular. Suicide, especially among our veterans, is not something we want to think about, but it is a real problem that does not get nearly enough attention, so cheers for having the guts to write about it. My only suggestion is one I have for myself as well which is to ‘pretty up’ the blog. Ours look so plan, people may think our topics are too.

  2. Dear Corrine,

    It's great to see you use articles discussing very serious problems in society like veteran suicide, and homeless having nowhere to go. These are opportunities that seriously need a solution. Also, I noticed that many of these articles are referring to Martin County. Considering this, I'd assume you care a great deal about this area of the state.

  3. Hey Corrine,
    Great job covering a wide range of local issues that are very serious local issues. I particularly liked the one about the homeless people not having a place to g. In my post, I spoke about the homeless problem in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. I believe that this is a serious issue, and that these people do deserve some form of help. Overall, great job keeping your issues in a specific area of the state.
