Thursday, January 17, 2019

Assignment 3: My Entrepreneurship Story

I, myself, am not an entrepreneur but my mother is. When I was small, about three years old, my mother worked and sent me to a daycare center for the day and one day, I was apparently being difficult with one of the teachers and refused to put my coat on so she decided to try to force it on me but she pulled my arm too hard and my arm popped out of the socket. This is what sent my mom into her entrepreneurship journey. She decided she would quit her job and open her own daycare in our house, and she was very good at her job, she had her own employees and a waiting list because everyone in our area wanted to send their kid to my mom's daycare. She did this for a decade and then we moved to Florida in 2013. Now when we got here, she worked in different childcare centers and for DCF this past year but now she and a few colleagues have decided to open their own charter school for kindergarten through twelfth grade, here in Palm Beach. They are still working on the application for the county, at the moment but she already has endorsements from different companies and schools set up, the $10 million loan, the building being set up and they're looking at opening the school in 2020. The closest thing I have done to entrepreneurship is, last summer, in my Innovation Academy class we had to split into groups to come up with a product concerning biodiversity in Florida to compete in Catalyst at the end of the semester. My group went with biodegradable fishing hook and lines. We had to come up with a name, make a poster advertisement, make a prototype and at Catalyst we had to explain everything about the product.
I am in this class because it is required for the Innovation Academy and I hope to learn some things about how different entrepreneurs handled failure to get where they are now.


  1. I think that what you're mom is doing is amazing. I am sure that establishing a charter school is no easy task. But it seems as though she has so many people that are supporting what she is doing, and in no time the charter school would be up and running. I think bouncing off ideas with your mom for this class will be quite helpful, especially since she does have the entrepreneurial mindset.

  2. Hey Corrine,
    I think the story about your mom's journey is awesome and she deserves congratulations. For her to take a problem into her own hands and fix it is truly amazing and is one to be proud of. Also, your group's project with the biodegradable fishing hook and line is awesome and I think it would do great in the market. I am very concerned about environmental issues, but I also fish a lot and I am always so scared to lose anything in the water as I don't want to pollute it more than it already is. I would be interested to see if that idea went anywhere? Overall, both stories were really interesting and informative.

  3. Hey,
    To start I'm also in Innovation academy. Anyways I think what your mom did was great. I also like how she kept up with it after you guys moved. Even though it will take a bit of time she keeps going with her idea. That is what makes a great entrepreneur. Catalyst was a great entrepreneurship experience and it really showed us a cool entrepreneurship process.
