Belief: Not enough No Kill Animal Shelters
Description of Belief: There are so many animals in need and not enough shelters that will house them until they're adopted. The majority of animal shelters will euthanize the animal after a certain amount of days being there, unless someone chooses to adopt them before then. This problem has existed for a while, it isn't a new thing. People are trying to open No Kill Shelters, which try to transfer in animals from the Kill Shelters, but they usually fill up fast since there are so few of these types of shelters. I am 100% sure that this opportunity exists. I have adopted animals from two Kill Shelters, here, in Florida and they are still euthanizing animals, that have been there too long, today.
Iteration 1: Female, currently has one dog
Did you adopt your dog from a shelter? "Yes" What kind of shelter? "No Kill Shelter" Why? "It was the closest shelter to my house" If the opportunity arose, would you adopt from a Kill Shelter? "Of course. I feel terrible that those animals are just killed off if they don't find a family in time" Do you think there is a need for more No Kill Shelters? "Definitely." Most No Kill Shelters will try to foster animals out to approved families to make room for more animals in need and they even try to transfer in animals from the Kill Shelters. Do you think this is enough? "No because animals are still being euthanized in those shelters everyday and until there are no more Kill Shelters, then there is more work to do." What do you suggest we do to help these animals? "Open more No Kill Shelters or foster out more animals. We have to do something. I was thinking of adopting another dog soon, so maybe I can help at least one."
Iteration 2: Male, currently has two dogs and a cat
Did you adopt your pets from a shelter? "Not the cat, I actually got her from a friend but the dogs are both from shelters." What kind of shelter, or shelters, did you adopt your dogs from? "I got Bud from a Kill Shelter down in Miami and Violet is from a No Kill Shelter here in Jupiter." Why did you adopt from the Kill Shelter? "I felt bad that he was in there. He was so cute on the website I just had to go get him." Why did you adopt from the No Kill Shelter? "Well, at the time, I had just moved here and was all settled with Bud. I worked long days and I felt like he got lonely so I started looking at the nearest shelter and I found Vi." Do you think there is a need for more No Kill Shelters? "Of course I do. If I hadn't gotten Bud out of there in time, he would be gone by now I got him the day before his time would have been up." Most No Kill Shelters will try to foster animals out to approved families to make room for more animals in need and they even try to transfer in animals from the Kill Shelters. Do you think this is enough? "Not as long as they're still killing animals off just to make space for others coming in." What do you suggest we do to help these animals? "I don't really know, I mean, I guess they should start opening more No Kill Shelters or do the foster thing."
Iteration 3: Female, currently has a fish
Have you ever had an animal that you adopted from a shelter? "No, but my friends have." Are you aware that there are Kill Shelters and No Kill Shelters? "No, I wasn't. I thought they were all No Kill Shelters. That's terrible. They just kill off animals?" After a certain amount of time, yes. If you were to adopt an animal from a shelter, which type of shelter would it be from? "I would try to adopt from a Kill Shelter but it really would depend on which type of shelter was closest to me." Now that you're aware of the two types of shelters, do you think there is a need for more No Kill versus Kill Shelters? "Well, I'm not a monster, of course I think we need more No Kill shelters." Most No Kill Shelters will try to foster animals out to approved families to make room for more animals in need and they even try to transfer in animals from the Kill Shelters. Do you think this is enough? "If they're still killing off animals, then we're not doing enough to help." What do you suggest we do to help these animals? "We need more of those No Kill Shelters and more loving families willing to adopt. I would adopt a dog or cat but I'm allergic to both but I know some people that really want a pet, I'll see if they know about these Kill Shelters."
Reflection: I noticed during these three interviews that people tend to adopt a pet from shelters nearest to them, instead of what type of shelter it is. What surprised me a little was that the third person didn't know there were two different types of shelters. Maybe most people don't really think about this problem unless they're trying to adopt a pet and then after they've adopted one, they don't think much about it after.
Summary: The original opportunity is about 80% there now, since I realized how little this problem is really thought about by others. I do believe that my opportunity is more accurate now than when I started since I now know that I would have to really advertise and fund raise to even begin solving this problem. Entrepreneurs should definitely take customer feedback into account and, while keeping the same basic opportunity, mold their approach to the opportunity to customer feedback.
I certainly agree in that this opportunity exists. It's incredibly sad to know that many animals in adoption centers become euthanized simply because there isn't space or resources available to keep them alive. I personally didn't know there was a difference between the two animal shelters. I'm sure there would be a stronger movement for these types of shelters if they were clarified to the public.
ReplyDeleteHey Corrine,
ReplyDeleteI definitely believe that this opportunity exists, however the sad truth is that there are not enough people that care for the amount of animals in the world. I have been to Peru, where dogs run rampant, and no one could care less about them. Some people adopt of course, but most people want them gone, and this is where the idea of Kill Shelters come into play. It is the sad truth, but one way you can improve your idea and get more attention is to attest to people who do care, and try to get contributions to open these No Kill Shelters and save as many animals as you can.
Corrine, I agree with you 100%! There are not enough no kill shelters and this is an issue that needs to be solved. I also agree that if people realized where there were adopting and how much of an issue this is they would be more inclined to help in any way they could. Maybe if there was more advertising for this issue it could help put an end to it, but it such a sad situation that should be stopped.
ReplyDeleteSince being a kid i have lived in a pet family so growing up i have lost many pets and its been hard. Therefore i 100% agree with this, there are not enough no kill shelters. The only thing i was say was maybe getting an interview from someone who didn't have a pet so you could get an all over perspective. Otherwise your interviews and questions were great.
ReplyDeleteMy family has always adopted animals from rescue shelters. I agree with you that there is a need for more no kill shelters. While there are a few animals that are not well behaved, many of the animals are just looking for a loving and caring home. These animals certainly do not deserve to be killed just because they could no longer be cared for.