Thursday, January 17, 2019

Assignment 2: Bug List

1. After two nights, the far corner of the fitted sheet on my bed comes off and, since the bed is pushed into the corner where two walls meet, I have to climb over the bed to fix it
Maybe since it's so hard to get the fitted part fully under the corner, it comes off faster than the other corners do or I want to avoid moving the bed out of the corner and do it properly
2. iPhone charger cords break very easily
Maybe Apple doesn't want to spend the money investing in a bit more coating on the cord to make it stronger or don't care to do so if they can make more money having people come in for a new one
3. No parking in my apartment complex
Poor design or there is too much emphasis on the overall aesthetic of the complex rather than on parking spaces
4. The counters with the sinks, in public bathrooms, are constantly covered in water
People don't have time to wipe up the water after themselves, the bathroom has air dryers instead of paper towels so there is nothing to wipe up the counter with, or people just don't care to dry the counter
5. Dirty menus at restaurants
The staff don't think to wipe down the menus unless they're very noticeably dirty, don't have time to, or don't have to so they don't go out of their way to do so
6. When shopping carts aren't put away properly in the parking lot (either inside or in a cart corral)
People are in a rush so they don't have time to walk around to find the nearest cart corral thing or don't care to find one at all since it's easier to just leave the cart somewhere
7. Going to a public place and their wifi isn't free
The facility wants to make some extra money or to advertise their specific business by making the customer go through their site for wifi
8.  Trying on clothes at a store and you can clearly tell that the clothes have been worn before (deodorant marks, makeup stains, etc.)
The staff can't wash the clothes so they do what they can with a disinfectant spray and dryer sheets or they're just so busy they don't have time to go through and do that
9. If an iPhone is dropped and lands just right on its face, the whole screen will crack (with a good case and sometimes even despite having a screen protector)
Apple won't spend the extra money making a phone screen "indestructible" since, once it cracks, people usually will pay them to fix the screen or get an entirely new phone from them or it would cost more for them to make a screen like that when they could spend that money on something else
10. In some parking lots, it's hard to see around corners when they're decorated with large, dense plants
The people who own the parking lots may be thinking more in terms of aesthetic than they are in terms of safety or just a bad design
11. When driving on the interstate, people will pull into your lane without signalling
They feel like if they signal, the other person will speed up and not let them ahead or they need to get off at the upcoming exit and there isn't time for them to signal they just need to get there before they miss the ramp
12. When you're at a restaurant for breakfast and order their silver dollar pancakes but they come out with normal sized pancakes
Instead of making 8-12 silver dollar pancakes they make 2-3 normal sized ones to maybe save on batter or cooking time. Maybe the cook doesn't really know how big they are supposed to be or how many to make so they assume the normal sized ones are fine
13. When people smoke at the beach and leave their cigarette butts in the sand
Maybe they're too lazy to find an ash tray or dispose of them properly. Maybe they don't think about others on the beach that could step on it, ingest it (small kids/animals)
14. The gas cap on my car gets dirt/grime around it and makes the check engine light go on so I go to the mechanic thinking it's some big issue when I could have just cleaned it myself and not spent money having them tell me it's basically nothing
Maybe the check engine light goes off because if the dirt makes its way into the gas tank it could cause some issues with how the fuel burns or something to that effect. Maybe I should just keep up on the cap and check it every time I get gas so I can eliminate that from my list of possible problems when the check engine light comes on
15. When I'm in line to pick up my sisters from school at the end of the day, the line takes ages to move and it's so long it seems like I'm stuck there for eternity waiting for them to get in the car and go home
People don't pay attention to when the line is actually moving so they take a bit to notice it's their turn to move up, kids coming out of the school take a while to meander out and find their car, people are driving at a snails pace since kids will just walk out into the car line without even looking so you have to really pay attention to the sides so you don't run anyone over, or the whole system is just a bad organization on the school's part
16. When someone's walking their dog and it misses the grass and poops on the sidewalk but instead of picking up after their dog, they leave it there
They don't have one of those poop bag things, to pick up after their dog, with them so they just walk away or they think it's too disgusting to pick it up, even with the bag thing.
17.  When you go to the doctor and they need you to get some blood work done so they send you to another facility
They don't have a phlebotomist there or they don't have the space in their practice to have a lab
18. Overwhelming waiting room music in doctors offices on top of the noise from the TV that's playing
Maybe they want to calm the patient with music before going in but meet the needs of other patients that like to be informed on different health things from the TV or maybe they don't realize that the music with the TV noise is sensory overload
19. Dirty public transportation
Don't see the necessity of deep cleaning the seats when they're just going to be used again the next day or they don't have the money to spend on countless cleaning supply for the seats
20. During the day, free parking on campus is very limited for students who live off campus
Bad design; they think that students off campus will just take the bus; need more room for disability parking, teacher/staff parking and the living on campus student parking
Reflection: I found coming up with this list a little difficult. I don't usually focus on the small things that bug me so I would set out everyday with the intention to find what bothered me and to write it down immediately but the problem with this, is that I would forget that I was supposed to write it down. So for most of the days I spent working on this list, I had to keep reminding myself to make the list. Once I had all twenty, I had to come up with the "why" part for each bug and that was harder than I thought it would be since I kept getting stuck in why it bugged me, personally, and not why it existed in general.


  1. Hey Corrine,
    I laughed reading some of your bugs as I have the same problems, I just didn't even think of some of the ones you said. They all cover a wide range of areas and reasons as to why and where they occur, showing that you spent some good time thinking of these. I think that you are pretty aware of your surroundings, and that in general, this assignment was done very well. One thing you could work on is the reasons why some of your bugs occur, and think deeper as to how they can be fixed, or re-made to fit better into your and others lives.

  2. Hey Corrine,
    I really related to your number 12. Your bug list is so out there I love how different you went with all your bugs. You are definitely well aware of your surroundings which is amazing. One thing to work on is to see how to fix some of those bugs in your list.Overall, I believe this assignment was done really well.

  3. Hey Corrine,

    I really enjoy your bug list. A nice amount of complaints for Apple that we can all relate to is hilarious to see. It's also interesting to see that many of your bug lists deal with safety on the road, as well as the #14. In most cases, something silly like the gas cap really does turn the engine light on.
