Monday, April 15, 2019

Assignment 30: Final Reflection

   I think the elevator pitches stuck out to me the most through all these assignments because I had to record myself talking about something that I kind of just came up with and then post that on YouTube. I just hope no one ever watches those videos, I definitely won't be watching those ever again. I think the most "joyous" experiment was when I had to ask people close to me what they thought of me because it was funny and interesting to see what they had to say. I'm most proud of myself for doing the networking assignments because I really had to do research and put myself out there to professionals that I otherwise would have never considered talking to. 
   I don't think I am an entrepreneur by any means but this class has shown me that it is definitely possible for me to develop more of that mindset and become an entrepreneur if I chose to in the future. I think I have some sort of entrepreneurial mindset now, that I didn't have in January so that's something. 
   I would suggest to future students to just do the work and that the assignments aren't as complicated as they look you just need to take it one step at a time. If you have any questions just ask and don't forget to turn something in because there is no tolerance for late work. If you really want to develop an entrepreneurial mindset then just make sure you do the assignments full-heartedly and watch all the module videos, they give you some really helpful information. 
                                                   Image result for entrepreneurship


  1. Corrine, I am pretty sure we will all remember those gosh-darned elevator pitches; perhaps some of us even fondly. An entrepreneurial mindset is a great thing to take away from this course, even if you do not have any interest in starting a business because, if nothing else, it gives you an idea and an appreciation for what goes into starting a business. Great work this semester and good luck in the future.

  2. Corrine, I agree that the elevator pitches are something that definitely stood out and were something we will always remember from this class. I think that your advice to future students is very good advice. If you take the assignments and work through them step by step, then you should have no problem completing them and being successful in this class.
