Thursday, April 11, 2019

Assignment 26: Celebrating Failure

1. Earlier this semester I was in a long-term relationship that wasn't all that great in terms of my mental health. In the beginning of the semester, I failed a few tests in my chem class because I just had no motivation for school and really no energy to study because of this toxic person that was draining the life out of me. Luckily I was able to get away from that and bring my grade up in that class but I consider this a failure because I let myself be apart of that toxicity for so long and was so engrossed in it that it started to impact my education.
2. I learned that no matter how much you love someone, if they're bad for you then you need to get out of that as soon as possible. I also learned that my personal life should never affect my education in a negative way like that so if it is, then I'm doing something wrong.
3. I think that failure is good to learn from. If you never fail, then you never really learn anything so it's a necessary part of life, even though we may not like it very much. With failure, you need to assess why this turned out the way it did and then learn from those mistakes so you can alter future behaviors and decisions and not make the same mistakes over again. From this class, I learned to that failure isn't that scary in the business world either and that if you never put yourself out there, then your life is just going to remain the same. I do think that I am now more likely to take risks to better my life after taking this class.

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